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The World-Cultural-Heritage

The World-Cultural-Heritage in 2025

Das Weltkulturerbe


-------- Forwarded message --------

Subject: Matter and commission

Date: Wed, 20 May 2020 12:16:37 +0200

From: Ursula Sabisch <nets_empress@gmx.net>

To: info@cbm.de, bischoefliches.seminar@bistum-eichstaett.de

Ursula Sabisch, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany

To the CMB Germany e. V.

Stubenwald Allee 5

64625 Bensheim

Lübeck, 20 May 2020

Free English translation on 16 July 2021

Your CBM Circle of Friends Number/ Achieving more together.

Please let the German-language document be translated into many languages and be handed over to the corresponding persons.

Dear Dr. R. Brockhaus, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers,

From your above letter, it is clear that you are using professional people who must be paid for this advertisement or cause.

Unfortunately, behind every organisation for good causes there is a more or less large group of employees or volunteers who receive or earn their livelihood or a secondary income through these organisations, as is particularly evident with UNICEF.

Thus, the actual goal of such organisations is clearly set, as the organisation must first maintain itself, in that no one will voluntarily give up their secure job with these aid organisations, and in such a way my person does not agree with this actual goal at all!

In addition, these organisations are also expanding and becoming financially stronger and bigger through such advertising professionals!

Of course, this will not reduce the suffering of the Third or Fourth World, but rather increase it, since the world population will also increase accordingly and, for the reasons mentioned, no one can really be interested in putting a consistent end to the decades of suffering of the people in Africa and Asia.

This was made very clear by the CORONA pandemic, because the gigantic accumulated wealth in the multi-digit billions came to light and a possibility to make further money liquid is also still given by indebtedness of* future generations!

These gigantic means and opportunities for a consequent end to famine and an integration into the world economic system through the achievements of today's infrastructure were not made possible for decades for the affected countries, which are increasingly damaged by the climate change.

It is preferable to provide employment in the social-cultural sector and thus to pay for the jobs of the organisations and then, as the "father" state, to pay its "Christian" contribution for the Third World, with the rich church adding one more on top through the collection box!

It is not for fun that people have had to put their lives on the line by fleeing from misery, and many of them have even lost their life on the high seas.

Others have separated from their children so that at least the children from the "slums" or, for example, from the Greek "island of Lesbos" can come and have a chance to survive, in the hope that at least the worldwide organisations will take in "these orphans" obligatorily, even if you* will declare this help as an accommodating helpfulness.

It is nice that there are still human beings, but the great mass of the western world has long been made up of half animals, and unfortunately that is not a stupid saying!

A whole human being would not have let the misery come so far and would have acted with foresight and wisdom! Thus my person refers to her various homepages, which are compulsorily also available for half animals, in the hope that there will also still be people from the western world, who can recognise and understand the increasing seriousness of the situation.

There are enough resolutions available for the half-animals, who are currently letting other people down because they themselves are no longer overly well off, in that, for example, the locust plague and the pandemic in Kenya have made the recipe for a stone soup known and thus another resolution for the half-animals must be brought to bear worldwide!

You, as trained advertising experts and responsible persons always forget to publish truthfully, that it is nice that there are still people, who have not yet got their hands on the World of capitalists!

With best regards on Father's Day,

Ursula Sabisch



HP: This document is also meant for half-animals who should come to their senses very quickly and must therefore be published!

It should be clear that my person does not enter into friendship with half animals, even if they do not harm me and my environment any more!


Answer e-mail from the CBM

On 25.05.2020 at 13:38 Donations, Info wrote:

Dear Ms Sabisch,

Thank you for your email of 20 May 2020 to our Board, Dr Brockhaus, on whose behalf I am pleased to reply.

Our expenditure on advertising and administration in 2018 was 7.6% in relation to our total expenditure. The figures for 2019, which are at a similar level, will be published in July 2019.

Furthermore, we would like to draw your attention to the independent audit of the Christoffel Mission for the Blind by the DZI (German Central Institute for Social Issues - www.dzi.de).

The DZI is recognised as the most renowned institute for the evaluation of donation organisations and evaluates a large number of organisations. Transparency and the economic use of funds play a very important role here.

Only organisations that meet the DZI's strict criteria are awarded the DZI Donation Seal. This gives you the opportunity to compare the work of many aid organisations.

We thank you very much for your commitment to our work for people with disabilities in developing countries and for your support.

We look forward to working with you to give new hope to people in need.

Yours sincerely

Kurt Rossmann

Donor Service


Christoffel Blind Mission Germany e. V.

Stubenwald-Allee 5

64625 Bensheim

Phone: (0 62 51) 131-131

Fax: (0 62 51) 131-139



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